Friday, March 8, 2013


We did  Lesson 3, Activity 1 in MEP R.  Will was frustrated with the sticks and had to think things out.  I think we'll do something a little different tomorrow and come back to it again in a day or two.  He was thinking and problem solving, but he got frustrated with trying to figure the last picture and got upset.

We read Goodnight Moon again, since we're doing Before Five In A Row we'll be reading it for 5 days.  Sarah has fallen in love with it and grabs it, waves it in my face, and climbs up in my lap to be read to, so I'll probably be reading it a bunch.

We talked about Genesis 2 and how God created the sun and moon.  He watched a Zula Patrol I had coincidentally picked up from the library and it was focuses on space and moons.  He now knows that moonlight comes from the sun. We talked about that too.

We talked about what letter 'moon' starts with and what sound it starts with.  He traced a letter 'M' several times with a printable I found and his Crayola Dry Erase Lapboard.  That thing has been worth every penny I paid for it and then some!

We went over the illustrations-the room getting darker and the moon getting higher in the window too. 

He can fully recite Hey Diddle Diddle, Georgie Porgie, and The Little Girl With the Girl. 

I had him paint templates of the moon in different phases.  He supposed to just paint the templates, but he ended up painting the whole sheet because he liked the way it looked. :)

Both kids had a popcorn snack before lunch and we read

The Huckabuck Family
The Popcorn Dragon

and we tried to read Jack and the Beanstalk, but the illustrations scared him so we stopped.

I have a video on moon phases we might watch later.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

We Read

Out of order, but on Wednesday 3/6 we read

Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato
St. Patrick's Day in the Morning

and a few other things, but of course I don't remember them now!

What We Did Today

We did lesson 2 in MEP R.  Will drew a picture of our family and we talked about how many grown ups or adults are in it, how many children, how many people are in it, and he showed me who was in the picture and we talked about who was next to who.

Then we counted items on page using knocking, clapping, and showing fingers to show how many of each item and he colored in certain items according to the instructions I read him

It was a really light day read aloud wise. 

We read

The Little Red Hen
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Several nursery rhymes
Goodnight Moon

Need to do better than that tomorrow! 

We also started Before Five In A Row with Goodnight Moon and talked about the two framed pictures.  He knew Hey Diddle Diddle right away and recited it for me.  He knew the three bears in chairs represented Goldilocks, but couldn't tell me anything about the story.  We read it and then we talked about the story and I had him re tell me parts of it or answer questions.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

We read

Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See
Hippos Go Berserk
The Land of Long Ago by Elsa Beskow
The Hungry Thing
One Red Rooster

Not a lot of reading done today.

We did the first math lesson in MEP R, which I really like.  Will enjoyed his first lesson, but we'll see if his enthusiasm continues.

Monday, March 4, 2013

I saw a homemade mailbox to teach letters idea on Pinterest and tweaked it to work for us.

I covered a diaper box with brown paper(it looked...not Pinterest worthy) and cut a whole in it large enough for an envelope.  I dug through my to shred pile and found stacks of junk mail.  Luckily I have procrastinated that task for awhile.  I gave Will a bag and some mail and told him to deliver it, which he did and loved it.

 He played with that while I used index cards and blank envelopes to write the letters on.  Uppercase on the envelope and lowercase on the index card.  I spread out all the index cards and held up one envelope at a time, asking which index card would match it and go in the envelope. He picked out the cards and stuffed the envelopes.

 I pretended to be a matching machine and if he got it wrong or right, I made funny noises.  He was on the floor laughing at times! He picked out the cards and stuffed the envelopes.  He did great!  He knew almost all of the letters and many of the sounds.  D, M, N, U, and W are the ones that need the most work.

He had the most fun playing that game and his own made up games for over an hour!

We've read

Cinderella by Ky Craft
Wooly Mammoth Helen Frost
Meet the Mammoth Vivian French
Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland Tomie de Paola
The Flopsy Bunnies (but not with Beatrix Potter's illustrations, so I'm taking that one back to the library and see if I can find it the right way.)
Sleepytime Rhyme Remy Charlip
The Elves and the Shoemaker by Bernadette Watts
Mammoths on the Move Lisa Wheeler
I Will Surprise My Friend Mo Willems